0161 541 2760 info@claimmytax.co.uk


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What Is a Mis-sold Pension and How Does a Claim Work?

  • A mis-sold pension basically means that you were given unsuitable advice, the risks were not explained to you or you were not given all the information needed to help you make a firm decision and this ended you up with a pension investment that is not right for you.
  • In short, a mis-sold pension claim is a way to hold parties responsible for giving careless financial advice, and claim compensation for the risk or losses that advice might have caused.
  • Your mis-sold pension journey may have started with a cold call or an internet enquiry. Maybe the next thing a salesperson was in your house, or perhaps someone was knocking on your door with documents for you to sign.

Do you think you’ve been mis-sold?

Check your situation against the following criteria to see if you’ve been mis-sold:

  • Pressure Selling
  • Unsuitable Scheme
  • Unexplained Fees
  • Unexplained Risks
  • Lost Investment

If any of this sounds familiar contact us today! 

Final Salary Transfer Claims

A final salary pension offers a guaranteed income on retirement, and is often viewed as the gold standard pension. Final Salary Transfer Claims (otherwise known as Defined Benefits Claims) arise out of  poor / negligent pensions advice where advisors (commonly incentivised by commission) persuaded customers to gamble their pensions on high risk investments whilst not sufficiently outlining the risk, or in the alternative did not find products suited to the customer’s risk appetite.

Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP)

SIPPs allow an individual to take control of the investments within their own pension.  SIPPs can hold direct investments in company shares, land, commercial property and a variety of non-standard or obscure investments which carry a high level of risk.  The product charges can also be significantly higher than normal and ultimately impact the performance of the investments.

Due to these factors, SIPPS are unsuitable for many standard investors and due to the schemes flexibility, it has also been used to either facilitate scams or by firms wishing to offer clients unregulated investments that mights offer commissions that are excessive and inappropriate.

Why Use Claim My Tax?

No Hidden Fees

Here at Claim My Tax we recognise that many people worry that using a tax rebate company means uncertainty about what they will pay. We promise that the price we say is the price you pay.

Customer Focused

Our main priority is the satisfaction of our customers. We constantly review our processes to ensure our customer's needs and preferences are met, this enables us to give customers the best possible experience.

Peace of Mind

At Claim My Tax we offer peace of mind and reliability with our services. We know when it comes to your money you want to be sure you are getting the best service possible. We do not ask for bank details until we have won your case.

What to Know more?

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Mis-Sold Pension FAQs

We have put together our frequently asked questions to help you better understand our business and give you peace of mind..

What is a final salary pension transfer?

Essentially, a final salary transfer is when you ‘trade-in’ your final salary pension pot – or defined benefit (DB) pension – for a certain amount of money.

The exact amount will depend on how long you worked for the employer and your final salary. But it isn’t given in cash. It’s simply offered as a ‘cash equivalent transfer value’, which can be moved to a defined contribution pension and used as a source of income from the age of 55.

Have I been mis-sold on a final salary transfer?

In most circumstances, a final salary pension transfer is not advisable.

Final salary pension schemes have a lot of benefits. Not only do they provide a solid and dependable yearly income, but that income is index-linked and therefore will keep up with the pace of inflation and is guaranteed for the rest of your life. What’s more, they don’t cost a penny to run.

By contrast, defined contribution pensions can be unsafe because of the very risky nature of the products held within them. Yes, they may offer access to a tax-free lump sum and you can pass the fund on to your beneficiaries when you die. But by making the transfer, you give up all of your guaranteed benefits and risk losing the money in your pension.

Can you help with other mis-sold pensions?

The world of mis-sold pensions can be confusing and difficult to navigate. At Claim my Tax we are here to help, request a callback today and discover how our team can help. 

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28 Orchard Road
St Annes

Claim My Tax LTD

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